I am 26 years young, & in 5 months ahead, I'll be 27.
Today is totally a great day..A simple meaningful day that tells me how fabulous my life can be.
Today, I started my day with a simple routine of Fajar Prayer with a simple continuance of Mathurat recite.
I was having a medium fever, flu and even again, sore throat...
But I'm fine..Alhamdulillah..(A prayer to Allah SWT, I'm still here, happily sharing my stories)
I've went to the Public Medical Centre (Pusat Kesihatan Awam), just nearby my house.& again, to get a check up on my previous case (it's in my previous post)...
Yaa...It's been a month I've gone through with that..
Finally, the doctor just told me; It's Asthma, You must be having an Asthma...Since it is in your family (My dad side has the history of Asthma)..Well, that's what doctor told me...
So Fyruzs, you are now have what we called an Asthma.
After all I've been through with part and parcel, only now I was got to know that I have Asthma..
Just a few days back, I just gotten to know that I had been having my eyes vision problem..& I got powers too...It's 50 for both side...It's kind of a little bit shocking and unready..But I'm not that devastated..I begin to believe that I'm IN....yes I'm in the adult club..well I knew I was an adult several years ago..But this time I really feel that I'm totally IN...
How do I feel? Hmmm It's feel strange at first but I'm getting used to it now..
Today is an MC day for me...So I get to use my time, to get enough rest & even watch movies that I copied from my sisters in my hard drive.I was managed to finish three movies but SEX IN THE CITY 2 really catch my attention more than the other two movies...
It is the scene,when Claire told her husband about her accidentally kiss with her ex boyfriend.
It was actually happen while she and her girls were having a fabulous holiday in Dubai.
She choose to be honest.
And it was possibly cost her a huge damage to her wonderful marriage.
But again & still, she choose to be honest & true to her husband..
It makes me feel how wonderful and fabulous my life can be If I could strongly believe in myself. What am I saying right now? Am I not believing myself enough currently?
Well, I've always choose and always do be straight & honest even I know things are going to kill or even hurt me in any way..I'm not trying to say that I am that PIOUS..but that's what I am.. I felt secure & free if I can express and present myself in honesty & genuine way...I know somehow it would create hatred between people around me. That's something I have to adhere about being myself...& most of the time, It hurts...It's really do..
People around you just ignore or even pretend they never see you, because you are so honest when you are expressing your thoughts..well, at least I'm being honest.That's what I used to tell myself, trying to get rid of being blame on my ownselve. Well, how could you possibly keep your heart so in hurts, aching like the fire bomb is going to explode when some strangers are pushing your rights and totally being ignorance of your existence.
I'm not trying to be what we called so defensive here,far, far away from pretending to be so perfect for everyone or everytime.BUT
Hey!! I'm here, pursuing my daily routine, staying at the same roof as you..& I let you use my washing machine, my television or anything in the house...Well you name it girl....& it's all FREE Of CHARGE & I'm honestly very happy, if you are being able to share that luxury, well it's not really that luxury ... a little Convenience,perhaps in that house with humanity..I don't expect a THANK YOU words coming out from your mouth..Well not even once...But at least, mind yourself about use it wisely, handle it with care or I would say, please have some of civic mind of others belonging..Could you?? & when people told you that you are suppose to at least have a mind on peoples belonging, you should at least face it girl...STOP being so ignorance or even so offensive about adjusting your personal issues ..
I knew RESPECT is something that we earn, not something that we asking for..BUT Please...There's humanity emotions in yourself..Use it..
I've been through this since early this year..& it's all because I'm stupidly being so honest on my words when we were talking about my rights in that house..
Excuse me?? Am I just saying stupidly honest?? & now being honest is becoming a bad thing to me??..
Oh No, No..It's totally NOT...I'm not stupidly being so honest,I'm just being myself, I can't practice of saying things behinds other peoples back!!..That's wrong...& That's so Unprofessional & CHEAP...
& now, I can't being more than believe in myself..& currently I really mean to put my faith in myself for 101 percent, if there is such percentage as 101 percent out of overall..
It's almost 12.30am in the midnight..I'm going to sleep..& I'm going to have a damn fabulous sleep...
Fyruzs Mustafa...
The LOVE that I share...The FEEL that I care...The BELIEF that I wear...With the MOVE that I take...:)
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
"Sin Eater"
As a well,decent Muslim,
I believe in Hadith that describe illness & being sick is one of the way of Allah SWT vanish your sins...
& I always speak that to myself to always remind myself to be positive,
& very grateful to THE GREATEST CREATOR of these all universe...
At a very least, I still got chance to endure the pain and feel the sickness rather than no hope at all to see this beautiful world even more..
& then,I've be able to think back at my old good healthy days, I've been through...
Being happy, healthy, stress free & even bless..
It's been the biggest gift of all time in my life..
For the name of LOVE from THE GREATEST CREATOR to his small,tiny creation (ME)..:)
It's been a week ago when I was fallen so ill..My throat is like burning and so hurting like being seriously cut & injured...My head is spinning around,as a drunken master of kung fu...(hehehe), it's keep on hurting like something pressing my skull..
My nose is just not going to stop getting flood with colorful mucus (euuuuuuuuuuuwww..) Yes I knew, it's disgusting...
Alhamdulillah After having my antibiotic & an advice from a doctor nearby my flat apartment, I've been able to decrease the pain in my throat, even it is still filled with disgusting mucus as well as my nose...My head are still spinning..Currently, I can't be able to smell a thing..(Hehehehe)...

It's some of the medicine advice by the Medical Officer to me...The antibiotic was finished..So I can't be able to take a snap of it...:)
May be, because of my working template & design contribute more towards delay of my recovering...
It's been a "busy bee" week of getting things done..
Agreement to be finalize, project RFS date, customer service orders, vendor payment, billing creation, SIS tagging, important meetings, trainings, workshop, Budget locating & next year schedule planning...
What A Life am I having???...It's MY LIFE...& I Love it.. Ya'll
InsyaAllah,My pain will end & good things never forget to pass by & say hello to me..
My next Aidiladha holiday & New Year Holiday has been approved by Boss...
I'll be having my nice short leave for this Aidiladha...
My 18th & 19th November leave application was approved...
Being so excited to enjoy my leave from 17th (Aidiladha) till 21st of November 2010..Good, delicious food festive will be coming again...yeayyyyyy
So,What's next in my FORCE LEAVE agenda & New Year holiday???
Ah ha!! I'll Be back for the updates Ya...:)
Love & Cheers,
Siti Fairuz Mustafa...
I believe in Hadith that describe illness & being sick is one of the way of Allah SWT vanish your sins...
& I always speak that to myself to always remind myself to be positive,
& very grateful to THE GREATEST CREATOR of these all universe...
At a very least, I still got chance to endure the pain and feel the sickness rather than no hope at all to see this beautiful world even more..
& then,I've be able to think back at my old good healthy days, I've been through...
Being happy, healthy, stress free & even bless..
It's been the biggest gift of all time in my life..
For the name of LOVE from THE GREATEST CREATOR to his small,tiny creation (ME)..:)
It's been a week ago when I was fallen so ill..My throat is like burning and so hurting like being seriously cut & injured...My head is spinning around,as a drunken master of kung fu...(hehehe), it's keep on hurting like something pressing my skull..
My nose is just not going to stop getting flood with colorful mucus (euuuuuuuuuuuwww..) Yes I knew, it's disgusting...
Alhamdulillah After having my antibiotic & an advice from a doctor nearby my flat apartment, I've been able to decrease the pain in my throat, even it is still filled with disgusting mucus as well as my nose...My head are still spinning..Currently, I can't be able to smell a thing..(Hehehehe)...

It's some of the medicine advice by the Medical Officer to me...The antibiotic was finished..So I can't be able to take a snap of it...:)
May be, because of my working template & design contribute more towards delay of my recovering...
It's been a "busy bee" week of getting things done..
Agreement to be finalize, project RFS date, customer service orders, vendor payment, billing creation, SIS tagging, important meetings, trainings, workshop, Budget locating & next year schedule planning...
What A Life am I having???...It's MY LIFE...& I Love it.. Ya'll
InsyaAllah,My pain will end & good things never forget to pass by & say hello to me..
My next Aidiladha holiday & New Year Holiday has been approved by Boss...
I'll be having my nice short leave for this Aidiladha...
My 18th & 19th November leave application was approved...
Being so excited to enjoy my leave from 17th (Aidiladha) till 21st of November 2010..Good, delicious food festive will be coming again...yeayyyyyy
So,What's next in my FORCE LEAVE agenda & New Year holiday???
Ah ha!! I'll Be back for the updates Ya...:)
Love & Cheers,
Siti Fairuz Mustafa...
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Marriott, Putrajaya - Jabatan Laut LRIT Training
It's time to have our own sweet time....Kak Tiqah's customers training was on...We (Syaz,Hamdan,Safuan,& Me) were just lending our hands for Kak Tiqah's event.
Syaz & me have been in charge for the gift & certification preparation...Believe it or not, it was a totally jumping participantion, and an ad hoc decision making interferences...
The LRIT training was held in Putrajaya Marriot for 3 days...It was so simple, fun & relaxing..being able to choose door gift for customers, spend time shopping around "The Mines" for Tumb Drive, having a very nice black coffee break & even a lunch buffet at Marriot as a reward..that was sooooooooo goooood & relaxing..
Free from our own customer, our stress dateline (only for a while yaaa) & our crazy e-mails was really rewarding...Thanx Kak Tiqah for letting us enjoy & helping you at the same time...& Thanx boss...for being so supportive & Syaz, for being a good companion...:)
Those are some images that I've shoot while waiting for customer for lunch &during break time

That's our tea break table setting...(Sorry Kak Azela...your image was a little bit blurr)

Having my own black coffee..That was gooooooooooooooooooooooood
(Ok that's enoughhhh Fyruzs.....We know U are a coffee adict)

Yap..It's Marriott Putrajaya....

This centre piece flower has been use for 2 days...& it still look good..
Syaz & me have been in charge for the gift & certification preparation...Believe it or not, it was a totally jumping participantion, and an ad hoc decision making interferences...
The LRIT training was held in Putrajaya Marriot for 3 days...It was so simple, fun & relaxing..being able to choose door gift for customers, spend time shopping around "The Mines" for Tumb Drive, having a very nice black coffee break & even a lunch buffet at Marriot as a reward..that was sooooooooo goooood & relaxing..
Free from our own customer, our stress dateline (only for a while yaaa) & our crazy e-mails was really rewarding...Thanx Kak Tiqah for letting us enjoy & helping you at the same time...& Thanx boss...for being so supportive & Syaz, for being a good companion...:)
Those are some images that I've shoot while waiting for customer for lunch &during break time

That's our tea break table setting...(Sorry Kak Azela...your image was a little bit blurr)

Having my own black coffee..That was gooooooooooooooooooooooood
(Ok that's enoughhhh Fyruzs.....We know U are a coffee adict)

Yap..It's Marriott Putrajaya....

This centre piece flower has been use for 2 days...& it still look good..
Jasamu Dikenang
It's rather touching I would say, than sad...It's time for "Jasamu Dikenang" Day..
A celebration of appreciations for retired staff in TM...
It's time for my mum, Pn.Kentan Abd.Rahman to pass her baton for the young generation..The more I see her, the more I would think about my life...Last 3 years was my father retirement...& It's my mum's turn to get more rest at home...
Since I was so small, TM has given my parents a huge opportunity to build our life, enjoying our journey together...I''m so grateful that I'm still here...
Here in TM to continue my parents journey for the next level..
These are some images of those time my sister, Sarah, & my parents was in Lagend Hotel, before MALAM JASAMU DIKENANG event started...

It's Sarah & Umi standing in front of elevator,on the way for her meaningful appreciation night.

Umi & Ayah (getting bored waiting) - The elevator are fullhouse more than 5 times...Hehehe
P/s: Umi, I'll try my best to be your greatest kid...InsyaAllah
A celebration of appreciations for retired staff in TM...
It's time for my mum, Pn.Kentan Abd.Rahman to pass her baton for the young generation..The more I see her, the more I would think about my life...Last 3 years was my father retirement...& It's my mum's turn to get more rest at home...
Since I was so small, TM has given my parents a huge opportunity to build our life, enjoying our journey together...I''m so grateful that I'm still here...
Here in TM to continue my parents journey for the next level..
These are some images of those time my sister, Sarah, & my parents was in Lagend Hotel, before MALAM JASAMU DIKENANG event started...

It's Sarah & Umi standing in front of elevator,on the way for her meaningful appreciation night.

Umi & Ayah (getting bored waiting) - The elevator are fullhouse more than 5 times...Hehehe
P/s: Umi, I'll try my best to be your greatest kid...InsyaAllah
Sunday, September 19, 2010
1st Syawal

Syawal has pass like I was expected, nothing so special nor surprise..
My family, atuk & I were here in Muar (my grandma beloved home) since 8th of September, as my family was here 2 days more earlier then my sisters & I...

9th September 2010,
It's Ayah Birthday, We've gone for last minute shopping for groceries & manage to get Walnut Brownies + Carrot Slices for Ayah.
It's my turn to cook for BREAKFAST, that's what Umi said.With unprepared mode, I've prepared Fried Soy Sauce Cuttlefish, Sweet & Sour Fried Siakap fish, and Anchovy Fries Cabbage for our breakfast to be eat with rice.
Beside Mak Ngah,her kids,the only Ketupat & Sambal kacang are with us...
Mak Ngah was back on the Aidilfitri Eve (early evening)...& That's our final BREAKFASTING for this Ramadhan...
Well, that doesn't seems so weird, because that's how our Aidilfitri was always be...
1st Syawal was a bit spicy when My fav uncle,Pakcik Alid, his wife, kids & in laws was visited us...Then our cousins from Aruah Pak Dean came along...My Ayah & me had a good time chit chating with them...Mumbling & joking around after quite sometimes not seeing each other...
Mak Mas was eventually stop by after Maghrib prayer...Hohoho..This is the best one,when my sisters & I was joking, & laughing around like crazy, making fun & gossiping about how our cousin AKMAL, is seriously look alike to Edward Cullen (Twilight)..After several month, this is the first time we had a terrific good laugh...Mak Mas is my 4th aunt from my mother side, who was born with Caucasian look, I don't know where is that coming from, but according to my grandma, it's not about Mendel Law, It's about "TERKENAN"..I don't know whether Science can even have the explaination on it or not.But 1 thing for sure, Mak Mas & My Umi are BIOLOGICAL SISTERS...
Mak Ros came along late evening on 1st Syawal with her husband & Ijah (my long time fav cousin, which currently not so into communication anymore)..It's been sad, when we keep changing & keep distance from each other as we are actually share the same bloodline.Sometimes, strangers make us feel like the close one & the close one become strangers..
Our Aidilfitri filled with laughter & jokes,and so on and so...It's not where, It's WHO that matters...
My Ramadhan
This Ramadhan has been so short for me,
30 days is like a 30 minutes for me...
Alhamdulillah I've manage to do some office task as Ramadhan seems a fasting season for everyone,
A slow motion productivity has be expected in this Holy Month...
People in the office only get so busy to send Festive Gift or even Breakfasting with customers, as I was not in the exclusion for these boring activity too...
So lame, so routine & whatever we manage to call it...
For me, the most exhaling activity was be able to perform Terawih
& it's the month of getting Bonus from Allah SWT...
This year Ramadhan was a bit transparent for me,
I didn't went or even do invitation for breakfasting with customers.
But only, with J**M, as we prepared the service technical training in this month, So we include breakfasting as one of the item to slot in the event agenda.
But that was it..It's totally unlike the previous year, when I got to enjoy delicacies so much cause from numerous invitation of BREAKFASTING.
Most enjoying moment was, when I got to gather my team mate (DSAM) & close batch GSD clique to breakfast together.It was located at The Garden,Food Court..It was simple, short, & sweet..I was seriously out of idea of making my days full of activities in order to get myself out from my memories of HIM...
6 September 2010
Then, the final 2 days before I managed to enjoy my Aidilfitri leave, Dianah, Hasri Hamdan, & I were enjoyed our final breakfast at Rasamas (Mid Valley)...I know, it sound so lame & boring, but this one is not my idea, it's Dianah's & Hamdan's idea of having nice breakfast before we gone for Aidilfitri holiday.
7 September 2010,
At last but not least, My beloved sisters (Sarah & Nadya)were arrived from their campuses, for tomorrow BALIK KAMPUNG..My smile was came back, just because I had them on my eyes, in front of me..Thinking about how our Aidilfitri will be even it was just our family will be there as usual...
8 September 2010,
It's D'Day of BALIK KAMPUNG, Farhan has managed to fetch & send us to Bukit Jalil Bus Station. "Thanks a lot Farhan"..We were so prepared & excited to be back to Muar to meet our family that moment..MUAR...Here we come!!!....
30 days is like a 30 minutes for me...
Alhamdulillah I've manage to do some office task as Ramadhan seems a fasting season for everyone,
A slow motion productivity has be expected in this Holy Month...
People in the office only get so busy to send Festive Gift or even Breakfasting with customers, as I was not in the exclusion for these boring activity too...
So lame, so routine & whatever we manage to call it...
For me, the most exhaling activity was be able to perform Terawih
& it's the month of getting Bonus from Allah SWT...
This year Ramadhan was a bit transparent for me,
I didn't went or even do invitation for breakfasting with customers.
But only, with J**M, as we prepared the service technical training in this month, So we include breakfasting as one of the item to slot in the event agenda.
But that was it..It's totally unlike the previous year, when I got to enjoy delicacies so much cause from numerous invitation of BREAKFASTING.
Most enjoying moment was, when I got to gather my team mate (DSAM) & close batch GSD clique to breakfast together.It was located at The Garden,Food Court..It was simple, short, & sweet..I was seriously out of idea of making my days full of activities in order to get myself out from my memories of HIM...
6 September 2010
Then, the final 2 days before I managed to enjoy my Aidilfitri leave, Dianah, Hasri Hamdan, & I were enjoyed our final breakfast at Rasamas (Mid Valley)...I know, it sound so lame & boring, but this one is not my idea, it's Dianah's & Hamdan's idea of having nice breakfast before we gone for Aidilfitri holiday.
7 September 2010,
At last but not least, My beloved sisters (Sarah & Nadya)were arrived from their campuses, for tomorrow BALIK KAMPUNG..My smile was came back, just because I had them on my eyes, in front of me..Thinking about how our Aidilfitri will be even it was just our family will be there as usual...
8 September 2010,
It's D'Day of BALIK KAMPUNG, Farhan has managed to fetch & send us to Bukit Jalil Bus Station. "Thanks a lot Farhan"..We were so prepared & excited to be back to Muar to meet our family that moment..MUAR...Here we come!!!....
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Javanese Body Massage

Everybody have their own option to choose, things to do or even view to see & speak for themselve.
Currently I am so into relaxing mode and I choose to have a Javanese massage last previous Saturday. Anyway, This is my 2nd time of having a full body massage.
It is located at Prettylicious, AOU Bangsar..The first time trial was full of satisfaction. My vein & nerve has been stretch to the right order...& to be honest it's hurting me like damn crazy...(this is the normal experience for those who has not been massage for quite a long period)
Here are some images of the SPA that offer me damn good massage last Saturday..
Thanks to Sari for the best massage, I've really appriciate the service & the advice.
You can have a try at Prettylicious for a good body massage too..
Detail can be found at http://www.prettylicious-spa.blogspot.com
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
All Out Day (Room Cleaning Program)

It's been a tremendous pain when all I can do, is watching my room full of paper bags, here & there...Plastic all over the floor, beside my closet, & all over the place...Dusts, dirts and spider webs were all around the coner....
Shirts, T-shirts, skirts, blazers, cardigans, dress and whatever you want to call it were out of space in my closet & it was placed everywhere, from room to basket, bags & even on my mattress cover..
It started with fixed & arranged my new TWO drawer that I've just bought on Friday 23th July 2010.It's pink in color..seems like the stock is out of other colour than PINK...:)...It is a simple drawer with 5 compartment for each drawer.
On Friday night it self, I've took out every pieces of my clothes and fold it nicely. Then, every single of it were sorted into each category, so that I can be able to place it in different compartment according to their group.
Next processes has been reserved to be done on Monday 26th July 2010...
On Monday itself,everything has been done perfectly & that's what I like to call " ALL OUT DAY"...I'm on leave, and that working leave was specially requested just to deal with the room cleaning process for this day.. I've started from 10.30 am and settled all these out at 6.00 pm..
All paper bags has been sort one by one, all unnecessary junk (papers, plastic, pins, & whatever) was safely thrown away to the Waste Disposable Area.It has took me around 5 hours to done with this process.
Each remaining items & usable stuffs were sorted and arrange according to category ; papers, plastics , books & magazines, personal equipments, important documents, handy crafts, wedding favors and even wedding card collection into different boxes.
Swept my room floor (where all the spider webs & dust were stuck all over the corner), & place all the boxes at the side corner of my room space.
Last but not least, Wiping all the dusty home telephone set, make up table & even my make up bottles & compartments.
At the same time,my 4 trips laundry cleaning process has been done on the same time successfully...
It was 6.00 pm at the time I was finished with all the chores.
The breakfasting meal was prepare at 7.00 pm..
& at 7.31 pm ,I was having dates, marinated beef & capsicum fried, wholemeal bread & mix berries juice as my breakfast meal.
I was so satisfied with all the work done for D' Day...It has took me quite long period to scheduled for this activity & It was a perfect success..
Generally,I'm very satisfied, relief, happy & overwhelmed about it...It feels like having a new room again...:)
My greatest appreciation to Allah SWT for giving me the opportunity & ample time for me to complete this mission, as I would like to keep remember it as,"RESPONSIBILITY"
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Friends Wedding Marathon..

It's been numerous friends wedding, here & there, all the way for the whole year (2010)..But this last couple of months seems to be the winner of my own WEDDING MARATHON record...
It started with Rozanna's to Hasri's last 6th June & 12th June ...Followed by Aleya's, yesterday & Nicole today's wedding...& next 2 weeks will be Mior's...& If I have to show my collection of wedding invitation cards..I'll be creating an album for it..:)
The journey and experience that I had was amazing this year, For the first time I had the honour to assist Rozanna reception as her maid of honour..It was first timer thing, But seriously the experience gave me a nervous moment of my life and a sincere thought of a long time friend...
I'm so happy & I hope she will always be...:)
This weekend has been a tremendous excitement,exhausted & crazy for me, as I have to rush back from JB to KL for TWO weddings event on 2 continuance day..Sacrificed my sleep again, because we have to travel back from JB at 12 am to KL, & arrived at 5 am for Nicole's wedding in the afternoon on the same day. Since I was not having enough sleep last Monday, to catch WORLD CUP FINAL...So The total sleep hours I've STEAL from my biological clock are 16 hours of beauty sleep...But all the tears & pain is worth it as I had an amazing,beautiful,happy,touching, & meaningful friends gathering moment...
Next, I will be go on for Batu Gajah, PERAK .. (31st July 2010).It's Mior's big day, as mention earlier...
With the opportunity given, I would like to express my gratitude & happiness for all of them, The biggest Congratulation & good wishes for their future undertakings & LOVE.
As much as they have to prepare for their wedding, even I've prepare specific attire for every each of their special day of life, these are to make sure that I've granted their wishes to follow the wedding colour theme...
Honestly,I am suppose to celebrate my ex roomate convocation & to see her first born baby on the same date, But too bad I had to go for Mior's wedding...
But Myza, my prayers always goes for you...(CONGRATULATION in advance!!!)
I wish , I wish... I could have an ample time next week to get my beauty rest very soon..
Sooooo Please , please ...commitment go away (for a while)...because I'll be enjoying my leave on 26 & 27..InsyaAllah...(It's time to get down!!!) Hahahha...
See you in the next page...:P
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