It's been a tremendous pain when all I can do, is watching my room full of paper bags, here & there...Plastic all over the floor, beside my closet, & all over the place...Dusts, dirts and spider webs were all around the coner....
Shirts, T-shirts, skirts, blazers, cardigans, dress and whatever you want to call it were out of space in my closet & it was placed everywhere, from room to basket, bags & even on my mattress cover..
It started with fixed & arranged my new TWO drawer that I've just bought on Friday 23th July 2010.It's pink in color..seems like the stock is out of other colour than PINK...:)...It is a simple drawer with 5 compartment for each drawer.
On Friday night it self, I've took out every pieces of my clothes and fold it nicely. Then, every single of it were sorted into each category, so that I can be able to place it in different compartment according to their group.
Next processes has been reserved to be done on Monday 26th July 2010...
On Monday itself,everything has been done perfectly & that's what I like to call " ALL OUT DAY"...I'm on leave, and that working leave was specially requested just to deal with the room cleaning process for this day.. I've started from 10.30 am and settled all these out at 6.00 pm..
All paper bags has been sort one by one, all unnecessary junk (papers, plastic, pins, & whatever) was safely thrown away to the Waste Disposable Area.It has took me around 5 hours to done with this process.
Each remaining items & usable stuffs were sorted and arrange according to category ; papers, plastics , books & magazines, personal equipments, important documents, handy crafts, wedding favors and even wedding card collection into different boxes.
Swept my room floor (where all the spider webs & dust were stuck all over the corner), & place all the boxes at the side corner of my room space.
Last but not least, Wiping all the dusty home telephone set, make up table & even my make up bottles & compartments.
At the same time,my 4 trips laundry cleaning process has been done on the same time successfully...
It was 6.00 pm at the time I was finished with all the chores.
The breakfasting meal was prepare at 7.00 pm..
& at 7.31 pm ,I was having dates, marinated beef & capsicum fried, wholemeal bread & mix berries juice as my breakfast meal.
I was so satisfied with all the work done for D' Day...It has took me quite long period to scheduled for this activity & It was a perfect success..
Generally,I'm very satisfied, relief, happy & overwhelmed about it...It feels like having a new room again...:)
My greatest appreciation to Allah SWT for giving me the opportunity & ample time for me to complete this mission, as I would like to keep remember it as,"RESPONSIBILITY"
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