Syawal has pass like I was expected, nothing so special nor surprise..
My family, atuk & I were here in Muar (my grandma beloved home) since 8th of September, as my family was here 2 days more earlier then my sisters & I...

9th September 2010,
It's Ayah Birthday, We've gone for last minute shopping for groceries & manage to get Walnut Brownies + Carrot Slices for Ayah.
It's my turn to cook for BREAKFAST, that's what Umi said.With unprepared mode, I've prepared Fried Soy Sauce Cuttlefish, Sweet & Sour Fried Siakap fish, and Anchovy Fries Cabbage for our breakfast to be eat with rice.
Beside Mak Ngah,her kids,the only Ketupat & Sambal kacang are with us...
Mak Ngah was back on the Aidilfitri Eve (early evening)...& That's our final BREAKFASTING for this Ramadhan...
Well, that doesn't seems so weird, because that's how our Aidilfitri was always be...
1st Syawal was a bit spicy when My fav uncle,Pakcik Alid, his wife, kids & in laws was visited us...Then our cousins from Aruah Pak Dean came along...My Ayah & me had a good time chit chating with them...Mumbling & joking around after quite sometimes not seeing each other...
Mak Mas was eventually stop by after Maghrib prayer...Hohoho..This is the best one,when my sisters & I was joking, & laughing around like crazy, making fun & gossiping about how our cousin AKMAL, is seriously look alike to Edward Cullen (Twilight)..After several month, this is the first time we had a terrific good laugh...Mak Mas is my 4th aunt from my mother side, who was born with Caucasian look, I don't know where is that coming from, but according to my grandma, it's not about Mendel Law, It's about "TERKENAN"..I don't know whether Science can even have the explaination on it or not.But 1 thing for sure, Mak Mas & My Umi are BIOLOGICAL SISTERS...
Mak Ros came along late evening on 1st Syawal with her husband & Ijah (my long time fav cousin, which currently not so into communication anymore)..It's been sad, when we keep changing & keep distance from each other as we are actually share the same bloodline.Sometimes, strangers make us feel like the close one & the close one become strangers..
Our Aidilfitri filled with laughter & jokes,and so on and so...It's not where, It's WHO that matters...
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