It's been numerous friends wedding, here & there, all the way for the whole year (2010)..But this last couple of months seems to be the winner of my own WEDDING MARATHON record...
It started with Rozanna's to Hasri's last 6th June & 12th June ...Followed by Aleya's, yesterday & Nicole today's wedding...& next 2 weeks will be Mior's...& If I have to show my collection of wedding invitation cards..I'll be creating an album for it..:)
The journey and experience that I had was amazing this year, For the first time I had the honour to assist Rozanna reception as her maid of honour..It was first timer thing, But seriously the experience gave me a nervous moment of my life and a sincere thought of a long time friend...
I'm so happy & I hope she will always be...:)
This weekend has been a tremendous excitement,exhausted & crazy for me, as I have to rush back from JB to KL for TWO weddings event on 2 continuance day..Sacrificed my sleep again, because we have to travel back from JB at 12 am to KL, & arrived at 5 am for Nicole's wedding in the afternoon on the same day. Since I was not having enough sleep last Monday, to catch WORLD CUP FINAL...So The total sleep hours I've STEAL from my biological clock are 16 hours of beauty sleep...But all the tears & pain is worth it as I had an amazing,beautiful,happy,touching, & meaningful friends gathering moment...
Next, I will be go on for Batu Gajah, PERAK .. (31st July 2010).It's Mior's big day, as mention earlier...
With the opportunity given, I would like to express my gratitude & happiness for all of them, The biggest Congratulation & good wishes for their future undertakings & LOVE.
As much as they have to prepare for their wedding, even I've prepare specific attire for every each of their special day of life, these are to make sure that I've granted their wishes to follow the wedding colour theme...
Honestly,I am suppose to celebrate my ex roomate convocation & to see her first born baby on the same date, But too bad I had to go for Mior's wedding...
But Myza, my prayers always goes for you...(CONGRATULATION in advance!!!)
I wish , I wish... I could have an ample time next week to get my beauty rest very soon..
Sooooo Please , please ...commitment go away (for a while)...because I'll be enjoying my leave on 26 & 27..InsyaAllah...(It's time to get down!!!) Hahahha...
See you in the next page...:P
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