I believe in Hadith that describe illness & being sick is one of the way of Allah SWT vanish your sins...
& I always speak that to myself to always remind myself to be positive,
& very grateful to THE GREATEST CREATOR of these all universe...
At a very least, I still got chance to endure the pain and feel the sickness rather than no hope at all to see this beautiful world even more..
& then,I've be able to think back at my old good healthy days, I've been through...
Being happy, healthy, stress free & even bless..
It's been the biggest gift of all time in my life..
For the name of LOVE from THE GREATEST CREATOR to his small,tiny creation (ME)..:)
It's been a week ago when I was fallen so ill..My throat is like burning and so hurting like being seriously cut & injured...My head is spinning around,as a drunken master of kung fu...(hehehe), it's keep on hurting like something pressing my skull..
My nose is just not going to stop getting flood with colorful mucus (euuuuuuuuuuuwww..) Yes I knew, it's disgusting...
Alhamdulillah After having my antibiotic & an advice from a doctor nearby my flat apartment, I've been able to decrease the pain in my throat, even it is still filled with disgusting mucus as well as my nose...My head are still spinning..Currently, I can't be able to smell a thing..(Hehehehe)...

It's some of the medicine advice by the Medical Officer to me...The antibiotic was finished..So I can't be able to take a snap of it...:)
May be, because of my working template & design contribute more towards delay of my recovering...
It's been a "busy bee" week of getting things done..
Agreement to be finalize, project RFS date, customer service orders, vendor payment, billing creation, SIS tagging, important meetings, trainings, workshop, Budget locating & next year schedule planning...
What A Life am I having???...It's MY LIFE...& I Love it.. Ya'll
InsyaAllah,My pain will end & good things never forget to pass by & say hello to me..
My next Aidiladha holiday & New Year Holiday has been approved by Boss...
I'll be having my nice short leave for this Aidiladha...
My 18th & 19th November leave application was approved...
Being so excited to enjoy my leave from 17th (Aidiladha) till 21st of November 2010..Good, delicious food festive will be coming again...yeayyyyyy
So,What's next in my FORCE LEAVE agenda & New Year holiday???
Ah ha!! I'll Be back for the updates Ya...:)
Love & Cheers,
Siti Fairuz Mustafa...